Higher education system of Belarus presupposes several steps:
- The first step of higher education (specialist)
- The second step of higher education (Master studies)
- Doctoral studies.
Studying year is divided into 2 terms, each ending with an exam session. The knowledge check is conducted in the form of credits and exams.
During the exam session students’ work during the term is assessed: the integrity of knowledge, the depth and solidity of the theoretical knowledge, creative thinking development, skills for self-work and ability to apply the knowledge while solving practical problems.
Students must pass all the credits and exams in accordance with the curriculum and exams session timetable. Students who have passed all the credits and term papers, graphical papers and tasks foreseen by the curriculum get admission to pass the exams.
Academic calendar
Documents are accepted till October, 15.
Students can come for studies from August, 15 till October, 15.
Introductory program: October, 10 – October, 15.
Autumn term: September – December.
Exam session: December-January.
Vacations: February (3 weeks).
After finishing the studies the student gets the graduation education document according to the level of the program/course obtained and the terms of studies.
Students who study at the programs of the full studying cycle (specialist/Master studies) get a diploma on higher education.
Students who study at short-term programs get Transcript of records.