Academic mobility takes particular importance in the modern world today and is the main component of the inter-university cooperation. More than 1500 teachers, young scientists, undergraduates, master students and postgraduate students of the Belarusian State University travel abroad every year to undergo scientific training, deliver lectures, participate in conferences, as well as to do research and make joint international projects.
Most visiting countries are represented by the world's and regional leaders in economical and cultural development. International Programs and Project Office helps students and staff to apply for international scholarships and grants in order to fund their study and research visits abroad. The information is provided by means of e-mailings, information meetings and presentations, as well as individual counselling.
Most part of outgoing academic mobility is funded by European and international programs, such as Erasmus Mundus, Visby, DAAD, GFPS, Marie Curie International Incoming Fellowships, International Visegrad Fund, Huygens Scholarship Programme, Lithuanian Scholarships, Gerda-Henkel Scholarships, Polish Governmental Scholarships and many others.