
Факультет международных отношений

Описание специальностей

Специальности I ступени высшего образования (БАКАЛАВРИАТ)

Специальности II ступени высшего образования (МАГИСТРАТУРА)


  • 07.00.15 История международных отношений и внешней политики
  • 10.02.19 Теория языка
  • 10.02.20 Сравнительно-историческое, типологическое и сопоставительное языкознание
  • 10.02.21 Прикладная и математическая лингвистика
  • 10.02.22 Языки народов зарубежных стран Европы, Азии, Африки, аборигенов Америки и Австралии (восточные языки)
  • 08.00.14 Мировая экономика
  • 12.00.10 Международное право; европейское право
  • 23.00.02 Политические институты, этнополитическая конфликтология, национальные и политические процессы и технологии

  • Стать студентом факультета международных отношений БГУ – мечта многих представителей молодежи из разных стран.
  • Углубленное изучение двух и более иностранных языков, которых сегодня на факультете преподается 17.
  • Партнерство с десятками академий, университетов и институтов, научно-образовательных центров из СНГ, Америки, Азии и Европы.
  • Участие студентов в международных программах и стажировках за рубежом. Приобщение к профессиональной среде с первого курса.
  • Активная образовательная и научная деятельность в рамках различных проектов, программ и инициатив («Форум молодых лидеров ФМО», подготовка к международным правовым конкурсам и др., профессиональные форумы по самым актуальным темам политики Беларуси и трендам глобального развития).
  • Научные и учебные центры в составе факультета, в частности, Центр международных исследований ФМО БГУ, образованный в результате совместной инициативы БГУ и Министерства иностранных дел Республики Беларусь, и другие.
  • Возможность принять участие в работе уникальных межведомственных групп по подготовке инициатив Республики Беларусь в ООН и т. д.
  • Факультет международных отношений БГУ – искусство успеха на всех языках, пропуск в мир широких возможностей и достижений. 


The BSU International Relations Faculty, established on October 1, 1995 cannot yet boast of its long history. It is still in its teens, being younger than most of the faculties of its alma mater. But notwithstanding its short history, the faculty has managed to make itself prominent in Belarus and achieve a high status beyond the country's borders. The International Relations Faculty has become one of the top educational and academic brands of the Republic of Belarus, and this status provides an excellent opportunity to choose students from the best Belarusian and foreign applicants.

A distinctive feature of all the majors of the Faculty is an intensive study of foreign languages. 17 foreign languages are currently taught at the Faculty linguistic departments.

he Faculty’s good reputation is enhanced by its graduates. Since the first graduate course in 1996 most graduates from the Faculty have become experts in their fields. The Faculty graduates are represented in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, offices of international organizations and practically in all ministries and government departments. Many former students work in the production sector of economy or follow academic and teaching career. The Dean’s office gets oral and written messages of appreciation which point to remarkable professional and ethical qualities of members of the numerous and concerted community of the Faculty.

The structure of the Faculty of International Relations includes 11 academic departments, the Centre for International Studies, and the Centre for Teaching and Learning.

Образовательный процесс и научно-исследовательскую работу факультета обеспечивают 11 кафедр:

  • Кафедра международных отношений
  • Кафедра международного права
  • Кафедра международных экономических отношений
  • Кафедра международного туризма
  • Кафедра таможенного дела
  • Кафедра восточных языков
  • Кафедра английского языка международной профессиональной деятельности
  • Кафедра романо-германских языков международной профессиональной деятельности
  • Кафедра евразийских исследований
  • Кафедра востоковедения
  • Кафедра комплексного изучения развития КНР

Student Research Laboratories:

  • SRL "Foreign policy and diplomacy in modern international relations: applied analysis"
  • SRL "Innovative technologies in tourism"
  • SRL "Economic security of foreign economic activity"
  • SRL "International Economist"
  • SRL "International Lawyer"
  • SRL "Orientalist"

Interactive teaching methods are supported by a rich base of educational technology, including whiteboards, overhead projectors, computers, linguaphone classrooms and simultaneous interpretation systems.

Faculty staff. Scientific schools

Among its 315 faculty, 23 hold the degree of Doctor of Sciences and 95 of Candidate of Sciences, and 80% speak a foreign language, of which English is the most common.

There are four acknowledged communities of research and expertise in the following subject areas: international relations, international law, the study of socio-economic systems, and oriental studies.

A professional development programme is offered to the faculty engaged in the delivery of the English-language master's programmes.

In a typical year, the faculty hosts over 50 academic events. Of them, the international conferences "Belarus in the contemporary world" and "Intercultural communication and teaching of English for special purposes" are some of the most prominent.  

The Faculty publishes the academic journals
"Journal of the Belarusian State University. International Relations (in English),
"Journal of International Law and International Relations",
and the almanac "Issues in International Relations and Global Development".
All are included in the list of journals for the publication of the results of dissertation research approved by the State Commission for Academic Degrees and Titles of the Republic of Belarus.

English-language masters programmes

Instruction in the English-language master's programme is provided by faculty from the Department of International Law, Department of International Economic Relations, Department of English for International Professional Communication under the overall coordination of the Dean of the Faculty Elena Dostanko, Candidate of Sciences (Political Science).

The following faculty provide academic supervision of the English-language master's programme:
Yulianna Malevich, Doctor of Sciences (Political Sciences),
Vladislav Froltsov, Doctor of Sciences (History),
Elena Dovgan, Doctor of Sciences (Law),
Elena Davydenko, Doctor of Sciences (Economics),
Andrey Selivanov, Candidate of Sciences (History),
Svetlana Ananich, Candidate of Sciences (Law),
Natalia Yurova, Candidate of Sciences (Economics),
Jao Jiahui, Candidate of Sciences (Economics).

List of available English-language masters programmes:

  • International Relations

  • Jurisprudence (profiling: International Business Law) 

  • Jurisprudence (profiling: International Cyber Law)

  • World Economics (profiling: International Trade (Economics, Politics, Law))

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